Sonic Branding Agency

Brand recognition is the key to success, no matter what type of business you’re in. London-based sonic agency Maison Mercury Jones is here to help you unlock the limitless benefits of sound to shape your brand identity with impact and boost brand recognition amongst consumers from all walks of life.

What is sonic branding or audio branding?

We all know the impact and importance of visual branding, and a great visual brand can be a feast for the eyes. But what about our ears?

Sonic or audio branding strategically exploits sound as an intrinsic aspect of your brand identity. It’s not just an art; it’s a science.

More than a jingle or ditty (which have their important roles to play), sonic branding is the harmonious culmination of instrumentals, song, tones, rhythm, voices, cadence, other sounds, and even deliberate silence. It captivates listeners through audio triggers and uses the power of sound to build meaningful connections through impact and recall.

Your sonic identity is every bit as important to your brand as your visual identity and brand voice.

What is an audio logo?

An audio logo is an important element in sonic branding. Also known as an acoustic logo or sound logo, it is a unique sonic symbol of a brand that is short and memorable. It may be spoken, sung, or instrumental, and can be used across marketing and branding campaigns and platforms, including TV, radio, in-cinema advertising, on-website, social media, email marketing, podcasts and YouTube, and much more.

Your audio logo is part of your brand’s voice and is just as important to your brand identity as your visual logo, slogan, colour scheme, and other branding factors.


Amplifying your brand

Maison Mercury Jones is a brand music agency that challenges expectations and takes sonic branding to a new level. Offering bespoke sonic solutions, we are passionate about diversity and showcasing the talents of artists and branding strategists who are otherwise underrepresented in our industry and throughout society.

Welcoming and celebrating our differences our agency proudly offers a place for minorities and other marginalised groups to shine. Entirely Trans+/POC/LGBTQ+/female led, we are a team headed by world-famous musicians and award-winning strategists whose work is supported by world-renowned artists and composers.


Say hello to your own sound signature

From the UK to Europe, the USA and beyond, Maison Mercury Jones is the sonic branding agency that you’ve been looking for.

Our commitment to excellence and the innovative application of sound for brands is unwavering. From brand songs to background music, sound effects, tones, and chimes; podcasts to jingles to in-app sounds and much more: we are here to customise and harness the might of sonics to engage your audience, enter their subconscious, and create emotional impacts and connections for sound association, recall, and brand loyalty.

Get in touch with us today and let’s explore how we can get you heard.